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While solar panels are becoming increasingly popular, they are still surrounded by myths. These contemporary myths shouldn’t hold you back from going solar.

Let’s take a closer look at the science and news to debunk some of the most common misconceptions together!

Myth 1: Solar Panels Do Not Work in Cold Climates

Do you feel like reducing your carbon footprint with the power of solar won’t help the efforts to combat climate change since there are so many people up north who just can’t use solar panels? Don’t be discouraged!

Sunny and warm places like our beloved California aren’t the only areas where solar panels shine. It’s important to remember that they are designed to capture light energy, not heat. So, they still work perfectly well in cold climates, such as in our northern neighbor of Canada.

Myth 2: Solar Panels Only Work When the Sun Is Shining

Are you worried about those gloomy days in autumn and winter? Solar panels are indeed most productive during sunny days. Yet, they can still generate power on cloudy days. They capture diffuse sunlight and convert it into electricity.

Also, did you know that on sunny days solar panels can generate surplus electricity and store excess energy in batteries for use at night or during cloudy periods? Well, you know it now! This makes solar energy a reliable source of power.

Myth 3: Installing Solar Panels Requires Home Ownership

Many people believe that you must own your home to harness the power of the solar energy. Community solar projects are becoming popular across the United States. As a participant in such a program, you can subscribe to a portion of the energy generated by a solar system. You will then receive an electric bill credit for electricity that your share of the community solar system generates.

Myth 4: Solar Panels Are Hard to Afford

You might have never even considered buying solar since it’s just too expensive. The reality is that the cost of solar panels is on a downward trend. In fact, since 2010, the costs of residential solar systems have declined by 64%. SETO is currently hard at work to ensure the costs keep declining through more business innovations and partnerships. The development of high-efficiency modules can reduce labor and material costs. While these advancements may sound enticing for you to postpone installing solar panels, you shouldn’t. You might miss out on some exciting credits and incentives that the U.S. government has to offer.

For example, you should also explore the federal solar investment tax credit (ITC). It covers 30% of the total cost of a home solar system installed by December 31, 2032. Some expenses that you can claim back are:

  • Solar PV panels or PV cells
  • Contractor labor costs
  • The costs of wiring, inverters, and mounting equipment
  • Energy storage devices

If you are inspired to go solar, you need a reliable contractor to install solar panels on your roof or in your backyard. North Valley Power is here to help in Sacramento, California. Contact us today!