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Beautiful suburb in San Francisco
Navigating Net Metering and Net Billing in California

Navigating Net Metering and Net Billing in California

Net metering has long been an incentive for homeowners seeking to harness the power of the sun and reduce their carbon footprint. This billing practice, especially prevalent in California, enables solar panel owners to contribute excess energy to the grid and receive...

Selling a Home with Solar Panels

Selling a Home with Solar Panels

Thinking about selling your home later down the road? You may have reservations about installing solar panels. What if your real estate agent reduces the cost of your home because solar panels don’t look nice on the outside? If you are letting this doubt hold you back...

How Does Solar Photovoltaic Technology Work?

How Does Solar Photovoltaic Technology Work?

If you are planning to install solar panels on your roof or in your backyard, you might be curious to know how this modern marvel works. Keep reading to learn more about the basics of solar photovoltaic technologies. What Is Solar Photovoltaic Technology? This is just...

What to Know Before You Purchase Solar Panels

What to Know Before You Purchase Solar Panels

So, you’ve decided to play your part in mitigating climate change, add value to your home, and save on energy costs by installing solar panels. We’re super excited and want to turn your journey toward going solar into a breeze. Keep reading for the top things to...

Solar Panels and Your Rights as a Homeowner in California

Solar Panels and Your Rights as a Homeowner in California

If you are thinking about installing solar panels on the roof of your home in Sacramento, California, you may be worried about what your HOA would say. Rightly so! HOAs are concerned with the aesthetics of the neighborhood, which could interfere with your plans....